Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Master and the Disciple

A long time ago, a revered enlightened Master walked the face of the earth.
He used to have lots of followers and a few disciples too. When the Master was around, miraculous things happened. Some people were cured from diseases, some others completely changed their way of life. The disciples received some secret teachings from their Master and usually followed him everywhere he went.

A lot of manuscripts about the Masters good deeds existed.

Jin too loved the Master, but he considered himself unworthy to follow him or to become his disciple. He didn t have enough courage and detachment to do what the Master preached about.
He spent hours studying the words of the Master, trying to apply them to his own life. But the more he was trying, the more he was disappointed with a sense of personal failure.
In addition, he was very timid, so nobody really felt him as a spiritual being.
As years passed by, Jin reached the age of 50.

He began to be too much discouraged to study the Masters teachings. He felt that his life was meaningless.
He was living in a very small room.
One day, Jin prepared some green tea.
As he expected it least, around 5, he heard a powerful knock at his door.
“Who could this possibly be? I am not expecting anyone. It is probably a mistake…”

As he went to check for his visitor at the door, Jin couldn’t believe his eyes. The Master was here, just in front of his eyes.
Jin opened and closed his eyes three times, just to make sure this was really true.
But the great Master was really standing in front of him.
“Master, you here? I am so unworthy…”
Jin started crying.
The Master put his hand on his shoulder.
“Jin, my friend, let me judge who is worthy or unworthy…may I have a cup of tea, please?”
“Of course, Master, said Jin.”
“I’ve come a long way to see you and I have waited many years, because you were not ready.
I would like to ask you for a favor. Would you be my disciple?”

-“I don t really know, Master. I am so afraid of what you will ask me to do in return, to be honest. I am very bad at preaching and convincing people. ..”
The Master placed his hand on Jin’s heart.
Jin felt some intense heat traveling through his whole body.

“Jin, you have received my unconditional, universal love. What I am asking you to give in return is to spread the same, universal, unconditional love you just received.
Spread it to the world and you will be my perfect disciple”

Jin nodded silently.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

spiritual tales: The disfigured man

spiritual tales: The disfigured man: Alicia was a renomed top model. She knew how to dress perfectly and usually spent hours in front of her mirror to make her look beautifu...

The disfigured man

Alicia was a renomed top model. She knew how to dress perfectly and usually spent hours in front of her mirror to make herself look beautiful. She was the true reflection of a perfect Barbie doll.

When she looked at herself. she was always happy to look that good. On her day off, she decided to have a coffee at a sunny terrace in Paris, very near the Eiffel Tower.
Alicia was about to light a cigarette when her eyes suddenly met some stranger s eyes. This man-or so she thought-was probably the ugliest creature on earth.

He seemed disfigured. His face was full of scratches and it seemed he had been shanked on his left cheek. His eyes, though, had a very intense glance. He looked like a nice person and greeted Alicia in a friendly way:

-May I offer you another coffee, young lady? Maybe we can have a little talk before I go back to work?

Alicia usually didn t accept invitations from strangers, but her heart told her to do so today.
As they both engaged a conversation, she asked Michael ( that was the man s name), what had happened to him.
He explained her that he had been attacked a few years ago, in the middle of the street, after coming back from work, at the time he was still living in England.

" You must be a very unhappy man, she said. I couldn t live with a disfigured face, I d prefer myself to be dead instead."
"Alicia, listen to me. Actually, I am a very happy man. I could be dead, but they saved my life at the hospital and I am very grateful to be still alive. I enjoy life like I never did in the past."

" Really?", she said in great disbelief.
" Yes, Alicia. You can be as beautiful as you want. You can wear the most beautiful clothes on earth and wear the best make up. But if your soul is ugly inside and full of mockery for people who don t meet your standards of physical beauty, you are INDEED a very ugly person!"

Alicia felt like a sword of truth piercing her heart as Michael pronounced these words.
As she crossed Michaels glance again, she began sobbing.
Michael put his hand on her shoulder and hugged her tenderly.
She looked at him again and suddenly noticed the inside beauty of this man. It was like  a deep soul connection with her own inner soul. 

She smiled at him and said: " You are one of the most beautiful persons I have ever met."

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Revelations about Heaven, as told by my religion teacher

Dear readers, the story I am going to share with you goes back to the late 70s. I grew up in a wonderful little town called Freyming-Merlebach,in France, near the German border. The following story has been told by priest Hesse, who used to be my religion teacher in high school.

This priest was also my grandmas priest and he was responsible of the church of her quarter, called Hochwald. Our religion teacher, who was probably a man of great faith wanted us to understand about life, death and resurrection. He liked paraboles and in this lesson, during which I was very attentive, he shared the story of a very old woman of Hochwald, whom my grandma probably knew, but he wouldn t reveal her name. He told us that she had lost her husband a few years ago and had been very affected by the loss of her husband. She used to be very close to her man and she missed him greatly in her daily life. One night, she had a very intense dream. Her husband appeared to her in a dream. She recognized him immediately, but she was surprised because he was so thin and didn t really have much flesh on him, yet he was so full of light that he was like transfigured. He was smiling at his wife. He told her never to worry again about him, that he was doing very well in the place he was. She asked him why he was so thin.He answered : " Where I am, we don t need we don t need food. Our food is spiritual." When she woke up, she felt loved and all her fears about her husband had vanished. The same priest also used the following metaphor for us to understand that death wasn t an end, but just some further step leading to eternal life. He said: " look at the baby in his mother s womb. You are like this baby. If somebody tells the baby to be born about terrestrial life, about the flowers and all the beauty outside, he won t believe you. Same goes for you. If an angel tells you about life in Heaven, you probably won t believe him, because he is talking about something you haven t experienced by now. It is not because you cannot see things with your eyes that they don t exist. There is a life after death and it is filled with beauty."

 Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

Monday, July 28, 2014

spiritual tales: Encounters with the universal love vibration at th...

spiritual tales: Encounters with the universal love vibration at th...: Dear readers, I d like to share a story with you that happened to me today, at heart of Paris, in the middle of the streets. You know, the...

Encounters with the universal love vibration at the heart of Paris

Dear readers, I d like to share a story with you that happened to me today, at heart of Paris, in the middle of the streets. You know, the spiritual world might seem unreal to many people because it is unseen with our eyes of flesh, but I can testify that it is more than REAL. Enjoy your read. During the last days, I have spent a lot of time alone, meditating on Universal love. Universal love is indeed a very strong vibration that resonates into the Universe. In order to fully experience it in your life, you must fully match that vibration. Universal love starts with focusing on love, kindness and developing a spirit of compassion. It is also a process of allowing light and love to flow through your soul and to possess you completely. When you are full of love and light, it manifests OUTSIDE OF YOU. It HAS to, because this is a spiritual law.

Walking through my favorite Parisian street, rue Daguerre, and reaching the end of it, I saw a tall Chinese lady,probably in her twenties. She was dressed all in white. Her long, white dress attracted my eyes.I looked into her eyes and saw a pure and beautiful soul. She looked back at me and gave me one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen in my life. I gave her her smile back and felt a deep, deep joy inside. Then, following my path to a further metro station, I suddenly crossed the path of a very young Christian Sister , all dressed in blue ( I have no idea which congregation she comes from). She was carrying a suitcase and again, as I didn t even expect it, she gave me such a warm smile, that I felt deep love into my heart.

It was such a powerful experience, I cannot even describe how joyous I felt in this moment. I d just like to tell you to explore yourself from within and to fill your spirit with love. Give love all around you, you will be amazed. It will come back to you MULTIPLIED. I feel blessed beyond measure.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

Sunday, July 27, 2014